Angular JS is an Open-Source Framework. It is one of the best frameworks for Web developers to design a web application. AngularJS manages the markup as the template language and it allows us to expand the HTML5’s syntax to specific application’s elements compactly and simply.
Here in this blog, we shared about the AngularJS plugins, which can help to make the application user-friendly. Join AngularJS Training in Bangalore and learn more about the angular plugins and its development.
Angular Auto Validate:
The applications of AngularJS are constantly dealing with forms like signup form, login, contact form, etc.
If anyone worries about the input validation by the user, then at that place angular auto validate plugins play the role of life rescuer. This plugin may remove the excess of HTML, and also decreases the problems about fixing the error message in HTML, or using the angular expressions to show them or hide.
Angular complete
Angucomplete is one of the best plugins which deals with the Problems connected with the textbox of autocomplete. Without depending on other libraries, this plugin helps to add auto-complete boxes (Local JSON data) quickly, on other libraries.
Angular Grid
Compared to other plugins, Angular Grid is one of the most popular plugins. The Angular Grid has important features like more stable, faster, and better written. AngularJS plugin is considered as the best plugin when the angular application uses the structure to represent data to the client.
Ng-sweet-alert plugin mostly deals with the altered box, when the developer needs to create the alert box more interactive and user-friendly, this plugins plays an important role. The Ng-sweet-alert plugin doesnโt need JavaScript code. The HTML code is enough to use an amazing alert.
AngularJS- Toaster, It is one of the unique plugins, deals with real-time applications, which needs often updates to the users.
AngularJs Toaster provides an adequate way to deal with information, which requires Angular v1.2.6 and angular animate or higher for the transformations CSS3. Listed above are the top five Angular Plugins.
Learn the best AngularJS Training in Chennai at FITA and get in-depth knowledge about the plugins of the AngularJS and its benefits.