Java Course Syllabus

FITA Academyโ€™s Java Course Syllabus has a broad range of subjects. It is structured and designed to equip students with comprehensive knowledge about the programming language Java. With that in mind, letโ€™s delve into what else we will be examining on our Java Course.

Introduction to Java

We will begin the Java syllabus with an introduction to Java. We will be covering the fundamentals of object-oriented programming and the structure of a Java program. You will get a brief idea of what Java is all about and it lays the foundation for what you are about to learn in the upcoming chapters.

  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Fundamentals Structure of a Java Program

Data Types

Next, you will be learning about Data Types, namely Primitive and reference datatypes, and its various applications, such as efficient data management, creating readable and maintainable code etc. You will also be learning about Keywords, Identifiers and expressions.

  • Primitive data types
  • Keywords, Identifiers, Expressions
  • Reference Data Types


Java operators are specialized symbols utilized to do exact tasks and are available in several types, including assignment operators, arithmetic operators and more. ThisJava Course Syllabus module educates on operators within Java, such as those mentioned earlier.

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Relational Operators
  • Bitwise Operators
If you are looking for the ideal Java Course in Chennai, join FITA Academy.


Followed by Operators, you will learn about variables and how to declare and define them. You will also learn about the various types of variables.

  • Declaration
  • Definition
  • Types


Methods are block of code that are used to perform specific tasks. In this section, we will be discussing its syntax and types.

  • Syntax
  • Types


Next up in the Java Programming Syllabus, you will learn about the concept of Objects and Reference Variables, what it is, and how it is used in Java. You will also be getting to know about the type of objects and references.

  • Object Creation
  • Reference
  • Reference Variable


Constructors are specialized methods used to initiate objects. In this section, you will learn about this in detail. You will get a brief introduction about constructors, types of constructors, etc. Besides, you will be introduced to the concepts of pass-by-value & pass-by reference, access specifiers and access levels, etc.

  • Pass by Value
  • Pass by Reference
  • Access Specifiers
  • Access Levels
  • Decision Making
  • Control Structures
Looking for the best place to join Java Course in Bangalore? Look no further than FITA Academy.


Strings are an important concept in Java, which is used to handle alphabetic characters. In this section of the Java Language Syllabus, you will be getting a briefing about string types of strings, and learn about string buffers and string builders.

  • String
  • String Buffer
  • String Builder

Java Beans

Java Beans are specialized classes that are reusable components. In this section, you will be learning what Java Beans are, their purpose, applications and advantages.


You will be getting to know about arrays, what they are, how they are used, how to define them, how to declare them etc.

  • Declaring and defining arrays
  • Primitive Arrays
  • Object Arrays


We will be looking at several Object Oriented Programming concepts over the next few chapters of the Advance Java Syllabus. The first of them is Inheritance. You will be going through the various types and applications of inheritance.

  • Is-A Relationship
  • Has-A Relationship
  • Inheritance using the extends keyword
  • Inheritance using implements Keyword


Abstraction is another key OOPS concept. There are two important topics that will be covered in this topic besides the basic introduction. You will learn about abstract classes and interfaces and how abstraction can be performed using the same.

  • Abstraction using abstract classes
  • Abstraction using interfaces
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Abstraction is one of the most commonly addressed topics in interviews. For tips on interviews, please check check out Java Interview Questions.


This OOPS concept involves wrapping data and code into a single unit. We will be going through this in detail in this Advanced Java Programming Syllabus, discussing key concepts, benefits and applications of encapsulation.


In this chapter, we will learn about the basics of Polymorphism and about method overriding and overloading to understand how methods can behave differently based on the object being called on.

  • Overloading
  • Constructor overloading
  • Overloading between classes
  • Overriding

Exception Handling

In this course, Java Exception Handling, youโ€™re going to learn to categorize errors into Checked, Unchecked, and Errors. You will know how to throw exceptions explicitly using โ€œthrowโ€, declare exceptions with โ€œthrowsโ€, catch these exceptions using โ€œtry-catchโ€ blocks, and finally ensure execution using โ€œfinallyโ€.

  • Exception
  • Categories of Exception
  • Exception hierarchy
  • Throw and throw keywords
  • Try catch and finally keywords

Collection Framework

In this section of the Java Programming Course Syllabus, we will be going through the Collection Framework and learn the basics of interfaces and classes, find our way around with the help of Iterator, and figure out how object comparison works by using Comparable and Comparator. Itโ€™s your key to mastering Javaโ€™s data handling abilities.

  • Core Interfaces
  • Core Classes
  • Iterator
  • Comparable & Comparator


You learn how generics in Java allow classes and methods to work with any type that is specified at compile time and provides type safety at compile time. Additionally, you will understand autoboxing and unboxing, which enables automatic conversion between primitive types and their respective wrapper class objects to ease the use of primitives with generics.

  • Auto boxing
  • Unboxing


Up next in the Java Syllabus for Beginners at FITA Academy, understand how to convert data types in Java both implicitly and explicitly, including primitive casting, reference casting, and the concepts of upcasting (implicit superclass casting) and downcasting (explicit subclass casting).

  • Primitive Casting
  • Reference Casting
  • Up casting and down casting

File Handling

You will get to understand how to deal with files using the File class in Java to create and delete them, as well as how to correctly manage input/output via byte streams for non-textual data in terms of binary data and streams made of characters for textual data.

  • File Handling in Java Files
  • Streams
  • Types of Streams
Unlock your Java potential with FITA Academyโ€™s immersive Java course in Pondicherry.


In this section of the Java Developer Syllabus, you will learn the mechanism involved in converting Java objects into a byte stream for storage or transmission and restoring them into objects when required.

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Learn about concurrent programming in Java, and how to start and control several threads of execution simultaneously with the help of multiple threads of execution, creating parallelism, and hence the program may execute faster in your application.

  • Thread Life Cycle
  • Thread States
  • Creating Threads
  • Threads Priorities
  • Thread Groups
  • Synchronization

Nested Classes

Gain knowledge on nested classes in Java, which includes static nested classes, non-static nested classes (inner classes), local classes, and anonymous classes.

  • Nested Classes
  • Anonymous Classes

Overview of J2EE and WWW

Acquire knowledge on Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) in the Java Full Syllabus that empowers developers to create formidable, massive, decentralized and browser-centric applications. This is where the World Wide Web (WWW) is also discussed. This propels us to consider web servers, browsers as well as web-oriented applications. If you want to land a good Java Developer Salary For Freshers, you must learn about J2EE as these form a major portion of interview questions related to Java.

HTTP Protocol and Web Application Introduction

Understand the treatment given to the HTTP and its purpose in serving as a protocol between web clients and web servers. Introduction to the development of web applications from client-side and server-side technologies.

Environment Setup

You will know why the development environment for J2EE and web development must be put in place; this involves setting up JDK, Integrated development environments (IDEs) such as Apache Tomcat installation among others-application servers in addition to database servers.โ€


Discover HTML: HyperText Markup Language, the standard markup language used for creating web pages as part of the Java Course Syllabus. Study the tags, attributes, and elements in HTML used for structuring web content and its presentation.


Servlets are server-side programs that handle client requests and generate responses. In this section, youโ€™ll learn what a Servlet is, look into the Servlet lifecycle, configuration and deployment of Servlets, types of Servlets, ServletContext and ServletConfig. Additionally, youโ€™ll understand the importance of deployment descriptors and session management. This is what youโ€™ll be learning to master Java Servlets and their applications.

  • What is a Servlet?
  • Servlet Lifecycle, Configuring a Servlet, Types of Servlet
  • Servlet Context
  • Servlet Config
  • Deployment descriptor
  • Session Management

Java Server Pages (JSP)

One of the methods used to create dynamic web pages is JSP. Scripting elements, directives, and implicit objects associated with JSP will be covered in the Java Syllabus.

  • JSP Lifecycle
  • Servlets vs JSP
  • Scriptlets
  • Directives
  • Declaration
  • Sessions
  • MVC Architecture
  • Mixing Scriptlets and HTML
  • Tag Libraries
  • Beans and Forms Processing

MVC Architecture

Learn about the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural design pattern implemented extensively when developing web applications. Understand how MVC separates concerns, improves modularity, and guarantees maintainability.


Study the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API of Java to interact with relational databases from Java applications. Learn about database connections, statements, result sets, and error handling.

  • Database Setup (MySQL)
  • Overview
  • JDBC Driver Types
  • How JDBC Works
  • Steps Involved
  • JDBC Process details
  • Queries
  • Prepared Statements
  • Callable Statements

Spring Framework: Introduction

Get introduced to Spring Framework, a lightweight and comprehensive platform for building enterprise applications in Java. Internalize core spring concepts, features, and rationale; why and when to use Spring as part of the Java Course Syllabus.

  • What is Spring
  • Advantages of the Spring Framework
  • Spring Framework Architecture and Spring Modules
  • Java and Spring Configuration

Spring: Core Container

This module will delve deeper into the core container module provided by the Spring Framework and focuses much more on the inversion of control (IoC) and dependency injection (DI). Learn how spring manages object lifecycles and attains loose couplings.

  • Components of Spring Core
  • Object Coupling โ€“ Tight and Loose Coupling
  • Dependency Injection (DI)
  • Types of DI
  • Concepts and Implementation of Inversion
  • of Controls (IoC)
  • Spring Bean โ€“ Properties, Scope, Method,
  • Bean Lifecycle
  • DI with Bean
  • Spring BeanFactory
  • Wiring Beans
  • AutoWiring Beans
  • Understanding the Default AutoWiring
  • Spring: Web Layer
  • Spring: Data Access and Integration
  • Data Access with Spring using JDBC
  • JDBC Templates
  • Data Access Object Patterns (DAO) and Bean
  • Querying Database and Binding the Variables
  • Handling Database Exceptions
  • Executing Update and Delete Statements
  • Batch Update data
  • Database Transactions
  • Transactions Management with Spring
  • Spring Model View Controller (MVC) Architecture
  • Components of MVC
  • Setting Up a Spring MVC Application
  • The Purpose of Dispatcher Servlets
  • AutoWiring by Name and AutoWiring by Constructors
  • Annotations in Spring
  • Dependency Injection using Annotations
  • Wiring Bean with Annotations
  • Introduction to Spring Expression Language (SPEL)
  • SPEL Operators
  • Implementing Annotations with SPEL

Spring: Data Access and Integration

Learn data access and integration features of Spring hands-on, covering aspects such as transaction management, JDBC, ORM tools such as Hibernate, and enterprise messaging system integration. Learn how simplification of data access is done using templates and abstractions by Spring. We shall also explore Spring Data for consistent data access, repositories, query methods, and pagination.

  • Data Access with Spring using JDBC
  • JDBC Templates
  • Data Access Object Patterns (DAO) and Bean
  • Querying Database and Binding the Variables
  • Handling Database Exceptions
  • Executing Update and Delete Statements
  • Batch Update data
  • Database Transactions
  • Transactions Management with Spring

Spring: Web Layer

The web provided by Spring has numerous features for building web applications with Spring MVC along with others; this section gets deeper into controllers, views, and web-related annotations.

  • Spring Model View Controller (MVC) Architecture
  • Components of MVC
  • Setting Up a Spring MVC Application
  • The Purpose of Dispatcher Servlets
  • AutoWiring by Name and AutoWiring by Constructors
  • Annotations in Spring
  • Dependency Injection using Annotations
  • Wiring Bean with Annotations
  • Introduction to Spring Expression Language (SPEL)
  • SPEL Operators
  • Implementing Annotations with SPEL
  • Spring Controllers
  • Spring View Resolvers
  • Adding Data using Spring Data Models
  • Creating and Managing Forms in Spring
  • Managing File Uploads
  • Apache Tiles Integration

To know more about Web Layers, refer to our Java Tutorial.

Spring: Aspect Oriented Programming

Learn how to use AOP in Spring to separate cross-cutting concerns from your main business logic while simultaneously increasing modularity and maintainability. Learn critical concepts like aspects, advice, join points, and pointcuts, and see how AOP can be applied for logging, security, transaction management, and more.

  • Limitations of Object Oriented Programming
  • Introduction to Aspect Oriented Programming
  • Advantages of AOP
  • Terminologies Associated with AOP
  • Aspects
  • โ€œAdviceโ€ to Aspects
  • Types of Advice โ€“ Before, After, Around, Others
  • Creating Annotations based Aspects
  • Point Cut Expressions โ€“ โ€œWithinโ€, โ€œThisโ€, โ€œTargetโ€
  • Point Cut Designators
  • AspectJ

Spring: Security

Learn about Spring Security, which is a potent framework for authentication and authorization. Learn about features allowing authentication, authorization, and security filters.

  • Securing Applications with Spring Security
  • Spring Security Filters
  • Configuring Authentications
  • Spring Authorizations
  • โ€œRemember Meโ€ Functionality

Spring: Boot

You will learn an opinionated framework for Spring as part of the Java Programming Syllabus that is used for easy setup and for developing stand-alone, production-ready apps. One needs to create various applications taken in the Spring Framework. Learn about working around auto-configuration, the details regarding embedded servers, and specifics on application properties.

  • Introduction to Spring Boot
  • Features of Spring Boot
  • The Spring Boot Project Structure
  • The Spring Boot Initializr
  • Spring Boot Actuator
  • Configuring the Spring Boot Server
  • Spring Boot Application Properties
  • Spring Vs Spring Boot


Hibernate is a robust and popular ORM Java-based framework. Understand how the process of interacting with the database becomes easier with Hibernate, as mapping can be done for Java objects to and from the database tables.

  • Introduction to Hibernate, ORM Overview,
  • Hibernate Environment
  • Hibernate Architecture & API
  • Hibernate Configuration
  • Hibernate Sessions
  • Persistent Class and Mapping Files
  • Building Hibernate Application, Hibernate
  • Query Language (HQL)
  • Hibernate O/R Mappings โ€“ Collection &
  • Association Mappings
  • Many-to-one
  • One-to-one
  • One-to-Many
  • Many-to-Many
  • Hibernate Annotations
  • Caching
  • Named Queries
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