Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore

Master Digital Marketing and make the most of the abundant opportunities available in the field by enrolling in the Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore provided by FITA Academy, ranked as the no 1 Digital Marketing Training Institute in Bangalore.

4218 Ratings | Read Reviews

  • Real-Time Experts as Trainers
  • LIVE Project
  • Certification
  • Affordable Fees
  • Flexibility
  • Placement Support

Dive into the world of Digital Marketing and unlock the opportunities it offers by signing up for a Digital Marketing Training in Bangalore at FITA Academy. As a leading institute in Digital Marketing training, we provide top notch programs designed to guide you towards growth and success. Our Digital Marketing course is a specialized training program designed to help best students understand techniques and practices that are essentially being used or adopted in Digital Marketing. We make sure that the curriculum of the course we are offering includes all the basic SEO, SEM, Crawling, Indexing, Paid Ads, Keyword Research, and Analytics; on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and technical SEO; link building, blog marketing, content marketing; competitor analysis, video marketing, mobile marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, and whatnot. Not just that, FITA Academy will help you to the maximum with placement training and get you placed with world-class guidance. So if you are wondering, “Where to look for the ideal Digital Marketing Course near me?” FITA Academy is your answer.

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Course Highlights and Why Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore at FITA Academy?

Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore A comprehensive and global industrial need-based curriculum.
Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore More than a decade of experienced industry experts design Digital Marketing courses.
Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore Our course implements a mix of theoretical and practical knowledge for students.
Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore Our course fees are structured to be made affordable for all students.
Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore Flexible batch timings make it convenient for candidates to attend classes.
Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore FITA Academy has tie-ups with over 1500 companies and they have high demand for Digital marketing professionals.
Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore Our placement cell will provide Placement assistance and training for students post completion of the Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore.
Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore By the end of the course, a globally recognized certification of completion will be awarded.

Upcoming Batches

  • 27-07-2024
  • Weekend
  • Saturday (Saturday - Sunday)
  • 29-07-2024
  • Weekdays
  • Monday (Monday - Friday)
  • 01-08-2024
  • Weekdays
  • Thursday (Monday - Friday)
  • 03-08-2024
  • Weekend
  • Saturday (Saturday - Sunday)
Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore Batches

Classroom Training

  • Get trained by Industry Experts via Classroom Training at any of the FITA Academy branches near you
  • Why Wait? Jump Start your Career by taking the Digital Marketing Training in Bangalore!

Instructor-Led Live Online Training

  • Take-up Instructor-led Live Online Training. Get the Recorded Videos of each session.
  • Travelling is a Constraint? Jump Start your Career by taking the Digital Marketing Online Course!

Digital Marketing Course Objectives

  • Getting to know the basics of Digital Marketing, its essential components, and its relevance in the contemporary business scenario.
  • Understand the goals and objectives of digital marketing campaigns. Set clear and measurable campaign objectives for diverse business situations.
  • Learn to identify and distinguish vital digital marketing channels, understanding their strategies, strengths, and applications.
  • Learn to create a Digital Marketing Plan, including strategic planning, target audience identification, and campaign execution.
  • They were brushing into the basics of SEO, exploring on-page and off-page SEO techniques.
  • Elucidating on the search engines, their functionality, crawling, and indexing in digital marketing.
  • Further understanding of different search engines, a focus on Google search engines, and how SEO and paid advertising differ.
  • Study deeply on SEO: from white to black, to grey hat techniques; keyword analysis and tools like Google Keyword Planner.
  • Know about on-page optimization, including basics of HTML, title tags, H1 tags, meta descriptions, keyword density, quality of content, and image optimization.
  • Insights into technical SEO aspects, which include URL structures, page speed analysis, schema, 301 redirects, sitemaps, and the importance of internal linking.

Digital Marketing Course Syllabus

Module 1: Digital Marketing Landscape

  • Digital Marketing Overview
  • Campaign Goals
  • Important Digital Marketing Channels
  • Knowing to Develop Digital Marketing plan
  • Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing

Module 2: Mastering SEO

  • Introduction for Search Engines
  • What is Crawling
  • What do you mean by Indexing
  • Other Search Engines vs Google
  • Paid ADS vs SEO
  • White Hat, Grey Hat, and Black Hat SEO

Module 3: Keyword Analysis and Research

  • Deep research on potential keywords
  • Google keyword and Planner tool
  • Searching other keywords from Google Auto detection
  • Finalization of Money keywords

Module 4: On-Page Optimization

  • Basic of HTML
  • Significant HTML Tags
  • META Desc, Title, H1
  • Keyword Prominence
  • Keyword Density
  • Content Optimization
  • Content-Length
  • Content Freshness and Uniqueness
  • Quality of Content
  • Image optimization

Module 5: Technical SEO

  • URL Length
  • URL Structure
  • Page Speed Analysis
  • 301 Redirects
  • Robots. TXT
  • Sitemaps.XML
  • Internal Linking
  • Significant Schemas to be implemented

Module 6: Off-page optimization

  • Google PageRank
  • Indicators measurements like PA and DA
  • Adding the Moz Bar Chrome Extension
  • Importance of Backlinks
  • Techniques of Backlinks
  • Social BookMarking
  • Forum Participation
  • Web 2.0
  • Article Submission
  • Blog Commenting
  • Classifieds
  • Directory 
  • Video Submission
  • Press Release
  • Infographics
  • Guest Posting Blog
  • Answering sites
  • Social Media websites
  • Industry Roundup
  • Audio Sharing Sites
  • Business Listing Websites

Module 7: Advanced Link Building

  • Do-Follow Links
  • Link Wheel
  • Referral Links
  • Link Exchange
  • Link Juice
  • Link Pyramid
  • No-Follow Links

Module8: Google Algorithm Updates

  • Panda Algorithm
  • Caffeine Algorithm
  • Penguin Algorithm
  • Page Layout Algorithm
  • EMD Algorithm
  • Page Layout Algorithm
  • Core Algorithm
  • Mobile-Friendly Algorithm
  • Other Recent Algorithm

Module 9: Blog Marketing

  • Introduction to Blogs
  • Creation of Blogs
  • Attracting the Visitors
  • Knowing and choosing the right topics to post
  • Periodic Posting

Module 10: Content Marketing

  • Creating the Original Content
  • Knowing the Content Marketing Strategy
  • Developing the Content Marketing Plan
  • Deriving the Specific Audience

Module 11: Competitor Analysis

  • Competitor Analysis Tools like SEMRush, Ahref, and SEOProfiler
  • Competitor Links
  • Competitor Traffic Analysis
  • Detailed understanding of Ahref or other equivalent tools.

Module 12: Website Audit

  • In Detail On-Page SEO Audit
  • Page Speed Audit
  • Content Duplication
  • Console Warnings and Errors
  • Google Penalty Check

Module 13: SEO Tools

  • Ranker Tracker Tools
  • Website Audit Tools
  • Keyword Research Tools
  • ON-Page Optimization Tools
  • Backline Research tools
  • Content Creation Tools

Module 14: Google My Business

  • Creation of Google Listings
  • Creation of Citations
  • Reviews
  • Periodic Posting of updates and their importance
  • Handling the Negative Reviews

Module 15: Google Search Console

  • Organic Performance
  • Top Search Queries
  • Important Performance Metrics
  • Impressions, CTR, and Clicks
  • Top Pages
  • Use of Various filters
  • Structured Data
  • Coverage issue
  • URL Inspection
  • Mobile Usability
  • Site Maps
  • Logos, BreadCrumbs, and FAQS
  • Security Issues
  • Manual Action
  • Links
  • Legacy Reports and Tools

Module 16: Google Analytics

  • Google Analytics Setup and User Analysis

Module 17: Mastering SEM

  • Choosing Keywords
  • Creating Campaigns
  • Images Ad
  • Video Ad
  • Texted Ad
  • Animated Ad
  • Re-marketing
  • YouTube Marketing

Module 18: Google Search Ad

  • Creation of a PPC Campaign
  • Quality Score
  • Ad Rank
  • Ad Groups
  • Keywords
  • Creation of Text Ads
  • PPC Budgeting
  • Negative Keywords
  • Bid Management
  • Extension SetUp
  • Optimization of PPC Campaign
  • Measuring the Key Metrics

Module 19: Google Display Ads

  • Placement Targeting
  • Interest Targeting
  • Contextual Targeting
  • Topics Targeting

Module 20: Remarketing Ads

  • Dynamic Remarketing
  • Standard Remarketing
  • Remarketing lists for the search ads
  • Email Marketing
  • Video Marketing

Module 21: Video Marketing

  • Video Optimization Introduction
  • Creator Studio
  • Video Platforms
  • Creating Videos
  • Youtube Channel
  • Video optimization at an advanced level
  • Playlist
  • Youtube Analytics
  • Best Practices

Module 22: Mobile Marketing

  • SMS Marketing
  • App Store Optimization
  • Paid ads and Targeting Mobile
  • Differences between Mobile Marketing and Web
  • Responsive Websites
  • Mobile Websites
  • Creation of a Mobile Process: Hybrid Apps Overview and Native

Module 23: Whatsapp Marketing

  • Installation of Whatsapp Business
  • Configuration
  • Auto Messages

Module 24: SMS Marketing

  • Identifying the Vendors
  • Promotional vs Transactional SMS
  • Database

Module 25: Youtube Optimization

  • Creation of Channel
  • Finding Video Keywords
  • Optimization of Video Title
  • Optimization of Tag
  • Creation of Catchy Thumbnail
  • Description Hashtag
  • Subscriber Link Optimization
  • Youtube monetization

Module 26: Social Media Optimization

  • Group Participation
  • Event Creation
  • Insight Reports
  • Optimizing post with HashTags 
  • Creation of Social Media Profile and Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and FB

Module 27: Social Media Marketing

  • Various channels of Social Media
  • Facebook Marketing
  • Twitter Marketing
  • LinkedIn Marketing
  • Instagram Marketing
  • Growing Social Media Channels

Module 28: Facebook Marketing

  • Facebook Page Optimization
  • Facebook business manager and creation
  • Campaign creation - Video, Event Promotion, Lead Generation, Post Reach increasing App store, and Pages like Ad
  • Setup of Audience
  • Creative Ad posting
  • Bidding and Budgeting strategy

Module 29: Instagram Marketing

  • Optimization of Instagram Business Profile
  • Creation of Instagram Content Strategy
  • Influencer of Instagram Marketing
  • Bidding and Budgeting Strategy 
  • Instagram Paid Marketing in stories and feeds

Module 30: LinkedIn Marketing

  • Optimization of the Linkedin company page
  • LinkedIn Ads- Search, Image, InMail, Retargeting Ads, and Job Postings
  • Bidding and Budgeting Strategy 

Module 31: Twitter Marketing

  • Twitter Marketing for the Reach of Brand
  • Twitter followers
  • Instream video ads
  • App installations
  • Retargeting the audience
  • Bidding and Budgeting Strategy 

Module 32: Email Marketing

  • How does Email Marketing functions?
  • Types of Email Marketing
  • Opt-in Email Marketing
  • Account setup for Email Marketing
  • List Setup and Web Form
  • Email Broadcast creation
  • Auto Responders for setup
  • Optimization of the increase inbox percentage
  • Choosing the top email marketing tool such as Mailchimp

Module 33: Digital Marketing Certifications

  • Google AdWords Certification
  • Hubspot Certification
  • Google Analytics Certification
  • Youtube Certification
  • Facebook Ad certification

Module 34: Quora Marketing

  • AD Setup of Quora
  • Audience Targeting
  • Contextual Targeting
  • Promotion of Answer
  • Questions Training
  • Audience Targeting

Module 35: Tik Tok Marketing

  • Understanding what is Tik Tok
  • Knowing more about the followers and likes
  • Understanding the need for TikTok Ad
  • Creating Campaign
  • Placement Targeting - Helo App, Vigo, and Tiktok
  • Audience Targeting - Interest and Retargeting
  • Bidding and Strategy

Module 36 - Setting up the Powerful Websites using the WordPress

  • Web Technologies
  • Knowing Terminologies
  • Domain Hosting and Registration
  • Knowing HTML
  • Installation of WordPress
  • User Administration
  • Setup of Website using WordPress
  • Paid theme vs Free theme
  • Selection of theme process
  • Installing themes
  • Changing themes
  • Activating and Preview themes

Module 37: Lead Generation

  • Knowing Lead Generation methods
  • Becoming familiar with the landing pages
  • Website vs Landing Pages
  • A/B test for better lead generation
  • Mastering the lead funnel
  • Nurturing the lead process
  • Practical classes of CRM for lead management

Module 38: Google AdSense

  • Adsense policy
  • Being approved by Google
  • Best Practices followed in the AdSense Code Generation
  • integrating the code for your blog
  • Earning money through Adsense
  • Improving the CTR

Module 39: Affiliate Marketing

  • Knowing about the Affiliate Marketing 
  • Affiliate Marketing Portals
  • Legal Policies
  • Gaining the approval
  • Tracking the Affiliate Codes

Module 40: Online Reputation Management

  • Tools that are required for ORM
  • SWOT analysis for ORM
  • Brand conversation on listening
  • Devising the ORM

Module 41: App Store for Optimization

Module 42: Conversion optimization

Module 43: Heatmap Analysis

Module 44: Achieving the goal in Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Course Trainer Profile

  • Digital Marketing Trainers at FITA Academy are industrial Experts with more than ten years of experience in various Digital marketing designations, such as SEO Executive, SEM Executive, Digital Marketing Manager, Content Marketing Manager, Social Media Marketing Executive, etc.
  • Our Digital Marketing Courses trainers at FITA Academy train students by infusing industry-relevant exposure, combining both theoretical and practical knowledge.
  • Training to students is based on real-life case studies and projects. Hence it imbues them with the requisite knowledge of practical situations.
  • Trainers provide regular recap sessions to make students refresh the concepts they have learned.
  • Our trainers conduct doubt-clearing sessions regularly with students so that their ideas are clarified thoroughly.
  • Students are given regular assessments to test their knowledge and understanding of concepts.
  • Trainers help students build resumes and increase their expertise by providing informative Interview tips.

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Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore Details

Student Success Story of Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore

Vignesh has been a food delivery agent for nearly a year. A B.Sc. graduate, he searched for jobs in his spare time but couldn’t get any. With his expenses rising, he had to act fast to improve his career. But he didn’t know how. That was when his college mate, an IT professional and alumnus of FITA Academy, suggested that he take a course at FITA Academy.

Vignesh enquired about our various courses at FITA with our coordinators. He opted for Digital Marketing Training in Bangalore after our coordinators guided him through the various courses.

Once enrolled, Vignesh learned diligently, learning the concepts of Digital Marketing by coordinating with our trainers. He managed to complete the Capstone projects and obtained the certification of completion by the end of the course.

Vignesh attended the placement training sessions conducted by FITA Academy. He trained himself by attending mock interviews and group discussions and confidently attended interviews. He got offers from Steward Capital and iTrend Solutions. He accepted the offer from iTrend Solutions and is currently working there as a Digital Marketing Associate with a pay of Rs 4 LPA.

Features of Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore at FITA Academy

Real-Time Experts as Trainers

At FITA Academy, You will Learn from the Experts from industry who are Passionate in sharing their Knowledge with Learners. Get Personally Mentored by the Experts.

LIVE Project

Get an Opportunity to work in Real-time Projects that will give you a Deep Experience. Showcase your Project Experience & Increase your chance of getting Hired!


Get Certified by FITA Academy. Also, get Equipped to Clear Global Certifications. 72% FITA Academy Students appear for Global Certifications and 100% of them Clear it.

Affordable Fees

At FITA Academy, Course Fee is not only Affordable, but you have the option to pay it in Installments. Quality Training at an Affordable Price is our Motto.


At FITA Academy, you get Ultimate Flexibility. Classroom or Online Training? Early morning or Late evenings? Weekdays or Weekends? Regular Pace or Fast Track? - Pick whatever suits you the Best.

Placement Support

Tie-up & MOU with more than 1500+ Small & Medium Companies to Support you with Opportunities to Kick-Start & Step-up your Career.

Why Learn Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore at FITA Academy?

Live Capstone Projects

Real time Industry Experts as Trainers

Placement Support till you get your Dream Job offer!

Free Interview Clearing Workshops

Free Resume Preparation & Aptitude Workshops

Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore Certification

Digital Marketing Certification Training in Bangalore

Post completion of the course, students are provided with a certification of completion by the end of Digital Marketing Training in Bangalore. This certification is an actual accreditation that clearly states the proficiency of candidates and knowledge related to Digital marketing. This certification on your resume increases your chances of being given priority in job interviews.

Other valuable Certifications

As we all know, Digital Marketing has tremendous scope in the market. To cope with the changing trends in Digital Marketing, one must keep updated with the necessary skill sets. One can excel in Digital Marketing by taking up certification courses. That being said, besides the certification provided by FITA Academy, there are several globally recognized certificates in Digital Marketing. FITA Academy has earned a reputed name of providing the Best Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore ,giving the students the necessary guidance to complete the certification course successfully.

Numerous Digital Marketing Course Certificates are available online today, out of which many are free certifications for marketers who wish to step ahead in their careers. To qualify yourself as a professional candidate, having a certification gives the edge to recruiters seeking talent.

Listed below are the top 7 Certifications that are to be taken by Digital Marketing candidates to excel in their careers.

  • Google Ads Certification
  • Google Analytics Certification
  • Google Ads Video Certification
  • Google Ads Apps Certification
  • Google Ads Measurement Certification
  • Meta Certified Digital Marketing Associate
  • YouTube Certification
  • HubSpot Content Marketing Certification

Google Ads Certification:

Google Ads have a huge place in the Digital Space. It has become the most successful way to boost the marketing investment of organizations. It is also said that nearly 65% of people click on Google ads while shopping or surfing online. And businesses make a bounty of revenue by spending on Google AdWords. To become a professional Google AdWords certified person, one has to pass two levels of certification exams. This exam consists of the basics of AdWords Fundamentals, and they are,

  • Search Advertising
  • Mobile Advertising
  • Display Advertising
  • Video Advertising
  • Shopping Advertising.

Also, to clear this examination, an individual would be tested for their basic concepts, such as campaign setup, measurement, the value proposition of online marketing, and optimization. Upon achieving the certification in Google AdWords, it communicates that the person now has the relevant knowledge in Google AdWords and the candidate can work efficiently on Google AdWords.

Note: This certificate is valid for one year, and if one fails the exam, they can go for the retest option after one week.

Google Analytics Certification

This is the most used tool among marketers to measure website traffic. This is a simple and powerful tool for both beginners and advanced users. Once you have been certified with Google Analytics, you can effectively use your skills in the organization and also help others by using this tool. Google entirely provides the study materials.

Note: This exam is also free of cost. Also, if you fail this exam, you can enroll for the retest after one week from the commencement date of the exam. The Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore at FITA Academy provide a comprehensive mentorship for the students by professionals to help them clear the certifications conducted by Google.

Note: All these certifications are valid only for one year, each with two exams. One can choose the exam order in whichever order they prefer. But Facebook has some prescribed orders to take these exams on their website. Also, it provides Facebook’s Blueprint Certification, which provides the credentials of advanced-level competency with Facebook’s Services and Products.

Google Ads Video Certification

The Google Ads Video Certification validates the candidate’s skill in obtaining results from YouTube and Google Video Advertising Solutions. For this certification, candidates are expected to know about topics such as Creating video campaigns, Optimization of Video Action Campaigns, Marketing Objectives for Video campaigns, Action Video formats, etc.

Google Ads Apps Certification

The Google Ads Video Certification is for candidates with knowledge of app campaigns. Candidates with this certification will possess knowledge of the fundamental principles of Ad campaign development and sophisticated optimization tactics. The topics in this certification include Google App Campaigns, App Experience Optimization, App Campaign Goals, etc.

Google Ads Measurement certification

This certification course imparts candidates with the knowledge of optimizing digital ad performance through the utilization of the measurement solutions of Google. They will know how to translate marketing objectives into measurable actions, track sales effectively, choose suitable attribution models for business, etc.

Meta Certified Digital Marketing Associate

This certification is offered by Meta (formerly Facebook). The certification exam lasts 90 minutes and consists of topics like Meta technologies, establishing a business presence, fundamentals of Advertising, and Ads and reporting management.

HubSpot Digital Marketing Certification

Hubspot provides this certification and offers a comprehensive 5-and-a-half-hour course of 37 videos covering all digital marketing bases. Students will learn about SEO, Social Media Strategy, Video Marketing Strategy, Paid Media Advertising, Social Media Strategy, and many more.

YouTube Certification

This is the 2nd largest Search Engine in the world. It processes over 3 billion monthly searches, and hundreds of videos are uploaded every minute. It is stated that 80% of marketers use visual tools for Social Media Marketing. The visual form of marketing is the most effective and easiest way to keep your customers engaged with your products. The attribute of creating a quality and content-derived video is the most sought-after skill in the year 2020.

This certification is provided for candidates committed to learning the platform. The Tutorial is provided with the latest practices with advanced and Industry-level tools. One can choose from three courses, including

  • Channel Growth
  • Content Ownership
  • Asset Monetization.

Note: The YouTube Certification exam is valid for 18 months from the date you passed the exam.

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Placement Session & Job Opportunities after completing Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore

Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore with Placement Support

Digital Marketing occupies a mainstream position regarding career advancement. With the persistent increase in Internet users, businesses today have a voluminous opportunity to influence customers 24/7 through different digital mediums and thus earn income through the conveniences of a few clicks. FITA Academy understands this very well and hence is able to establish a premium Digital Marketing Training Institute In Bangalore with abundant placement opportunities. “100% placement training and assistance is provided to students at the end of the course.”

Flourishing Industry with Greater-Scope

Internet usage among consumers is surging, and the digitalization of businesses has become a necessity and it is unavoidable. Companies of all types, irrespective of the size, are constantly seeking professionals capable of creatively representing brands across different Social Media Platforms. Also, they expect to keep the customers engaged with the business constantly. Going forward, traditional marketing will not be practised to promote business. Everyone is going to rely on the Digital form of marketing. Choosing a career in Digital Marketing will be promising and prospering for those who opt for it.

There are more than 500 million Internet users in India based on a report submitted by IAMAI. This is almost 40% of the Indian population. Today most people obtain information. They use laptops and mobile phones. To coincide with the above statement, as per the data released by the recent statistics today, more than 104 core people use Mobile Phones in India. Also, 250+ million people in India use Facebook or other Social Media Websites. These facts have created the prevailing need for Digital Businesses to create a huge demand for professionals acquainted with Digital Marketing skills and knowledge.

Reasons to choose Digital Marketing as a Career

One can kick-start their professional life by pursuing a career in the Digital Marketing field. The best part of beginning a career in this field is that you don’t need a specific degree or skill set to pursue this course. Listed below are the significant reasons to choose or begin a career in the Digital Marketing field.

Job Prospects:

To make it direct, the demand and supply for Digital Marketing professionals are unequal in the graph. The need for the supply of Digital Marketing professionals is simply increasing to a great extent. Besides, in the Digital Marketing field, one has multiple career options, and they have equal opportunities for growth and promotion in all the career options that one has opted for. One who consistently enriches their knowledge about the latest updates and skills can travel the rewarding path of the Digital Marketing field.

Creativity skills:

If you are a person who has more creative skills and wishes to do something creative, then any profile in the Digital Marketing field is going to be of benefit to you. Also, any field profile allows flexibility and trying different methods or techniques. One can be an SEO Specialist, Content Marketer, or Email Marketer. Everyone is responsible for being imaginative and adhering to the current trends in the industry to achieve the company goals.

Various Designations offered in the Digital Marketing field

Mentioned below are some of the job profiles that are offered in an organization upon completing the Digital Marketing Courses at FITA Academy

  • Copy Writers
  • CRM Manager
  • SEO Analyst
  • Content Writers
  • Analytics Manager
  • E-Commerce Manager
  • SEM Analyst
  • Email Marketing Manager
  • Conversion Rate Optimizer
  • Digital Marketing Manager
  • Content Marketing Manager
  • Inbound Marketing Manager
  • Digital Agency / Account Director
  • Social Media Marketing Experts/Specialists

These professionals are expected to be hired on small to large-scale businesses. Also, almost all businesses, including government agencies, have now adopted the method of Digital Marketing to promote their business. This is the right time to begin a career in the Digital Marketing field and for experienced professionals to broaden their career prospects.

Remuneration and Packages

Salary and Packages differ according to the type of organization you step into and the role you are offered for. Below is the table that provides the average package for various organisational roles. Given details about the packages are gathered from

Roles  Salary in Rupees
SEO Analyst 2.5 lakhs to 5 lakhs
SEO Manager 3 lakhs to 7 lakhs
PPC Expert/SEM 3 lakhs to 7 lakhs
Social Media Manager 3.5 lakhs to 7 lakhs
Digital Marketing Manager 4 lakhs to 10 lakhs

Digital Marketing Manager:

The Digital Marketing Manager has a critical role in any Digital Marketing company. The Manager should constantly monitor and oversee the designs implemented in the process. The Manager should create the timeline, set goals, handle the budgets, and create project layouts. Many companies are searching for a Digital Marketing Manager who efficiently handles the team and the projects. FITA Academy satisfies their demand by training several aspiring candidates to become successful Digital Marketing managers through the Digital Marketing Training in Bangalore.

SEO and SEM Specialist

Every business should rank high on the search engine result page for maximum website traffic. Digital Marketing Businesses primarily function based on SEO activities. Search Engine Algorithms constantly keep changing. The Search Engine Optimization Specialists and the Search Engine Marketing Specialists must identify the changes and create content accordingly to ensure that the company’s website ranks higher in the results and reach the targeted audiences easily. This role includes bid management, analyzing, Keyword research, and ad copies. After years of experience, one can also work as a Freelancer in this field. FITA Academy, has been striving to provide the Best Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore, helping candidates acquire relevant knowledge of SEO techniques and practices in the industry under the mentorship of working professionals.

Content Strategist/Managers

These professionals are responsible for tailoring the content according to the objective of the company and the targeted audience. The Content Strategist or the Managers decide on what the writers to produce content about. Also, the Content Manager and strategist’s role persistently involves proofreading, editing, and publishing content. The Content Manager is held responsible for publishing and maintaining the quality of the content on the website. Also, the Content Writers of the Digital Marketing Team have an essential role in ranking the websites. Numerous companies in the market are in desperate need of professionals with good content writing skills. FITA Academy has nurtured various content managers over the years, training students to be versatile and adapt to different roles in the Digital Marketing space, thereby rightfully earning the reputation of the Best Digital Marketing Training Institute in Bangalore.

Social Media Executive

This is the most preferred job among many youngsters today. As most businesses are now active in Social Media, these companies need Social Media Executives who can efficiently handle all their social media accounts. Usually, the role of the Social Media Executive includes creating posts that attract a large number of consumers. A Social Media Marketing Executive should have creativity and thinking skills. Also, these people act as the messenger between the consumers and the company. Social Media Executives help in communicating with the customer across different platforms. As part of FITA Academy’s goal of providing the Best Digital Marketing Courses In Bangalore, students are trained proficiently to become successful social media executives.

Inbound Marketing Manager

Some Companies seek for Inbound Marketing Manager, while some don’t. One may have expertise in Marketing already. But the processes have turned online and digital now. So one must enhance their knowledge according to the growing changes. The primary function of the Inbound Marketer includes monitoring the Drip Marketing campaign and handling the sales funnel. The Inbound manager’s primary motive is to invite more customers and create strategies accordingly.

Graphic Designer

The Graphic Designer should incorporate the required changes the management and clients put forth. The Designer should be able to create practical and attractive designs. Also, the Graphic Designer should review the designs before publishing them.

When you have good graphic design skills and sufficient knowledge about different Graphic tools, you are the most demanded person in the field of Digital Marketing. When the Social Media Executive has the design ideations, they immediately approach the Graphic Designer. Most companies hire graphic designers to make their posts and ideas presentable and good-looking on Social Media sites. Presently, we could see a massive demand for this position.

Email Marketing Specialist

An Email Marketing Specialist is responsible for launching and creating Email Campaigns. The marketer should handle the database of the customers and inform them about the various lists. Email Marketing Specialists should have strong editing and writing skills. Specifically, that person should excel in persuasive writing. FITA Academy has earned a name for itself as being the Best Digital Marketing Training Institute in Bangalore by training students to become successful Email Marketing specialists and several other Digital Marketing roles.

Web Designer/ Web Developer: 

These professionals also have a crucial role in the Digital Marketing Team. Most often, you would have come across unique websites over the Internet because of the efforts of Web Developers and Web Designers. They are jointly responsible for web designing, coding and modifying websites. They are responsible for making user-friendly and appealing websites. Also, Web Designers and Developers should rely on guidelines and content standards. They should also be adaptable to work with various Content Management Systems.

Advertising Expert

Google and Facebook ads are something that every business depends on to get leads to their website. To excel in this profile, one must be an expert, as this platform is competitive. One can apply for this job only when experienced in this field since you would be responsible for preparing the budget, strategy, and allocation for every type of ad.

User Experience Designer

These professionals are in very high demand in the field of Digital Marketing. The UX Designers are not only required to have backgrounds in design and technology, but they should closely monitor human behavior. These Developers should develop products, apps, and websites in a way that could encourage the consumers to practice with the purchases. These Developers are expected to operate with the motto of achieving the sales goal, lead generation, and customer retention rates. Also, these developers should create prototypes and wireframes for customer needs. The UI UX Designers should help the company to stay ahead by implementing attractive UI Designs.


A copywriter plays a vital role in transforming intricate content into clear, concise, easily understandable material, enhancing its relatability for readers. Typically employed by marketing or advertising agencies or internally within a company’s marketing department, copywriters craft a significant portion of marketing materials. This includes writing content for various platforms such as websites, advertisements, television commercials, brochures, etc. Copywriters skillfully convey the brand’s message, captivate audiences, and drive engagement through their adeptness in language and communication. They possess a keen understanding of target audiences and employ persuasive techniques to compel action. Whether crafting compelling headlines, persuasive product descriptions, or engaging social media posts, copywriters wield their linguistic prowess to communicate the brand’s narrative effectively and compel audiences to take desired actions.

CRM Manager

CRM Manager’s job is to help you acquire new customers and retain your existing ones. Imagining them as artists behind your sales landscape is an excellent way to think of them. They will be more motivated to complete the sales process if inspired by what’s happening. It is important that they realize problems, document them, and use them in their CRM process. That said, FITA Academy’s Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore help students become successful CRM Managers.

Content Writer

A content writer writes, develops, edits and publishes copy and content for use on a variety of digital platforms including blogs, videos, email marketing, ad campaigns, social media, infographics, whitepapers and more. Digital content writers provide audiences with messages, marketing materials and other types of web copy that can be used by organizations to sell and promote products, increase brand awareness, and realize other goals. contents writing is an art of crafting the content for the web pages.

Content writers deliver relevant content for blogs, websites, articles, product descriptions, and social media platforms. They create intentionally designed content that appeals to a specific target audience. FITA Academy trains its students to become successful content writers post completion of the Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore

E-Commerce Manager

As an Ecommerce Manager, you have the role and responsibility of looking after a website that focuses on the buying, trading and selling of products and services to the public or for business purposes.

Some of the key factors involve the content, the design of the website and overseeing matters such as security, online marketing and team management.

The main focus of an Ecommerce Manager, however, is on conversion. Conversion is a big word these days. You attract visitors with smart campaigns, great SEO and amazing content and then your content should have the ability to convert them into leads or sales. Ecommerce sales are extremely strong in today’s world. They have overtaken the traditional physical stores as the go-to place for buying and selling. But after completing the Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore at FITA Academy, the students will be master in the field of E-Commerce manager. FITA Academy teaches students in such a way that every student will be proficient enough to get placed as top notch E-Commerce manager by the end of the Digital Marketing Course. FITA Academy is one of the best institute which provides the Best Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore with top and experienced faculty.

Email Marketing Manager

Email Marketing Managers are vital in the effective execution of email marketing campaigns. Their responsibilities encompass identifying the specific target audience, devising and implementing email campaigns, guaranteeing error-free and coherent content, and optimizing email templates for mobile compatibility. They are also responsible for overseeing subscriber databases, analyzing campaign metrics, and furnishing valuable insights to enhance the efficiency of campaigns. Furthermore, collaboration with cross-functional teams, such as content and design, is essential to maintain consistent brand messaging and strengthen customer communication via email channels.

FITA Academy‘s Digital Marketing course is among the Top 10 Digital marketing courses in Bangalore. It has helped several students land jobs as successful E-mail marketing managers after they complete the course.

Job Prospects

To make it direct, the demand and supply for Digital Marketing professionals are unequal in the graph. The need for the supply of Digital Marketing professionals is simply increasing to a great extent. Besides, in the Digital Marketing field, one has multiple career options, and they have equal opportunities for growth and promotion in all the career options that one has opted for. One who consistently enriches their knowledge about the latest updates and skills can travel the rewarding path of the Digital Marketing field.

Creativity skills

If you are a person who has more creative skills and wishes to do something creative, then any profile in the Digital Marketing field is going to be of benefit to you. Also, any field profile allows flexibility and trying different methods or techniques. One can be an SEO Specialist, Content Marketer, or Email Marketer. Everyone is responsible for being imaginative and adhering to the current trends in the industry to achieve the company goals.

Various Designations offered in the Digital Marketing field

Mentioned below are some of the job profiles that are offered in an organization upon completing the Digital Marketing Courses at FITA Academy

  • Copy Writers
  • CRM Manager
  • SEO Analyst
  • Content Writers
  • Analytics Manager
  • E-Commerce Manager
  • SEM Analyst
  • Email Marketing Manager
  • Conversion Rate Optimizer
  • Digital Marketing Manager
  • Content Marketing Manager
  • Inbound Marketing Manager
  • Digital Agency / Account Director
  • Social Media Marketing Experts/Specialists

These professionals are expected to be hired on small to large-scale businesses. Also, almost all businesses, including government agencies, have now adopted the method of Digital Marketing to promote their business. This is the right time to begin a career in the Digital Marketing field and for experienced professionals to broaden their career prospects.

Remuneration and Packages

Salary and Packages differ according to the type of organization you step into and the role you are offered for. Below is the table that provides the average package for various organisational roles. Given details about the packages are gathered from

Roles  Salary in Rupees
SEO Analyst 2.5 lakhs to 5 lakhs
SEO Manager 3 lakhs to 7 lakhs
PPC Expert/SEM 3 lakhs to 7 lakhs
Social Media Manager 3.5 lakhs to 7 lakhs
Digital Marketing Manager 4 lakhs to 10 lakhs


Digital Marketing Manager

The Digital Marketing Manager has a critical role in any Digital Marketing company. The Manager should constantly monitor and oversee the designs implemented in the process. The Manager should create the timeline, set goals, handle the budgets, and create project layouts. Many companies are searching for a Digital Marketing Manager who efficiently handles the team and the projects. FITA Academy satisfies their demand by training several aspiring candidates to become successful Digital Marketing managers through the Digital Marketing Training in Bangalore.

SEO and SEM Specialist

Every business should rank high on the search engine result page for maximum website traffic. Digital Marketing Businesses primarily function based on SEO activities. Search Engine Algorithms constantly keep changing. The Search Engine Optimization Specialists and the Search Engine Marketing Specialists must identify the changes and create content accordingly to ensure that the company’s website ranks higher in the results and reach the targeted audiences easily. This role includes bid management, analyzing, Keyword research, and ad copies. After years of experience, one can also work as a Freelancer in this field. FITA Academy, has been striving to provide the Best Digital Marketing Courses In Bangalore, helping candidates acquire relevant knowledge of SEO techniques and practices in the industry under the mentorship of working professionals.

Content Strategist/Managers

These professionals are responsible for tailoring the content according to the objective of the company and the targeted audience. The Content Strategist or the Managers decide on what the writers to produce content about. Also, the Content Manager and strategist’s role persistently involves proofreading, editing, and publishing content. The Content Manager is held responsible for publishing and maintaining the quality of the content on the website. Also, the Content Writers of the Digital Marketing Team have an essential role in ranking the websites. Numerous companies in the market are in desperate need of professionals with good content writing skills. FITA Academy has nurtured various content managers over the years, training students to be versatile and adapt to different roles in the Digital Marketing space, thereby rightfully earning the reputation of the Best Digital Marketing Training Institute in Bangalore.

Social Media Executive

This is the most preferred job among many youngsters today. As most businesses are now active in Social Media, these companies need Social Media Executives who can efficiently handle all their social media accounts. Usually, the role of the Social Media Executive includes creating posts that attract a large number of consumers. A Social Media Marketing Executive should have creativity and thinking skills. Also, these people act as the messenger between the consumers and the company. Social Media Executives help in communicating with the customer across different platforms. As part of FITA Academy’s goal of providing the Best Digital Marketing Courses In Bangalore, students are trained proficiently to become successful social media executives.

Inbound Marketing Manager

Some Companies seek for Inbound Marketing Manager, while some don’t. One may have expertise in Marketing already. But the processes have turned online and digital now. So one must enhance their knowledge according to the growing changes. The primary function of the Inbound Marketer includes monitoring the Drip Marketing campaign and handling the sales funnel. The Inbound manager’s primary motive is to invite more customers and create strategies accordingly.

Graphic Designer

The Graphic Designer should incorporate the required changes the management and clients put forth. The Designer should be able to create practical and attractive designs. Also, the Graphic Designer should review the designs before publishing them.

When you have good graphic design skills and sufficient knowledge about different Graphic tools, you are the most demanded person in the field of Digital Marketing. When the Social Media Executive has the design ideations, they immediately approach the Graphic Designer. Most companies hire graphic designers to make their posts and ideas presentable and good-looking on Social Media sites. Presently, we could see a massive demand for this position.

Email Marketing Specialist

An Email Marketing Specialist is responsible for launching and creating Email Campaigns. The marketer should handle the database of the customers and inform them about the various lists. Email Marketing Specialists should have strong editing and writing skills. Specifically, that person should excel in persuasive writing. FITA Academy has earned a name for itself as being the Best Digital Marketing Training Institute in Bangalore by training students to become successful Email Marketing specialists and several other Digital Marketing roles.

Web Designer/Web Developer

These professionals also have a crucial role in the Digital Marketing Team. Most often, you would have come across unique websites over the Internet because of the efforts of Web Developers and Web Designers. They are jointly responsible for web designing , coding and modifying websites. They are responsible for making user-friendly and appealing websites. Also, Web Designers and Developers should rely on guidelines and content standards. They should also be adaptable to work with various Content Management Systems.

Advertising Expert

Google and Facebook ads are something that every business depends on to get leads to their website. To excel in this profile, one must be an expert, as this platform is competitive. One can apply for this job only when experienced in this field since you would be responsible for preparing the budget, strategy, and allocation for every type of ad.

User Experience Designer

These professionals are in very high demand in the field of Digital Marketing. The UX Designers are not only required to have backgrounds in design and technology, but they should closely monitor human behavior. These Developers should develop products, apps, and websites in a way that could encourage the consumers to practice with the purchases. These Developers are expected to operate with the motto of achieving the sales goal, lead generation, and customer retention rates. Also, these developers should create prototypes and wireframes for customer needs. The UI UX Designers should help the company to stay ahead by implementing attractive UI Designs.


A copywriter plays a vital role in transforming intricate content into clear, concise, easily understandable material, enhancing its relatability for readers. Typically employed by marketing or advertising agencies or internally within a company’s marketing department, copywriters craft a significant portion of marketing materials. This includes writing content for various platforms such as websites, advertisements, television commercials, brochures, etc. Copywriters skillfully convey the brand’s message, captivate audiences, and drive engagement through their adeptness in language and communication. They possess a keen understanding of target audiences and employ persuasive techniques to compel action. Whether crafting compelling headlines, persuasive product descriptions, or engaging social media posts, copywriters wield their linguistic prowess to communicate the brand’s narrative effectively and compel audiences to take desired actions.

CRM Manager

Their job is to help you acquire new customers and retain your existing ones. Customer problems, sticking points in sales processes, and CRM managers’ observations provide a lot of insight for CRM managers. Imagining them as artists behind your sales landscape is an excellent way to think of them. They will be more motivated to complete the sales process if inspired by what’s happening. It is important that they realize problems, document them, and use them in their CRM process. That said, FITA Academy’s Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore help students become successful CRM Managers.

Content Writer

A content writer is responsible for creating, developing, editing, and publishing content and copy across various digital platforms. These platforms include websites, blogs, videos, email marketing campaigns, advertising campaigns, social media posts, infographics, whitepapers, and more. Digital content writers offer messages, marketing materials, and various forms of web copy that companies can utilize to promote and sell their products, enhance brand visibility, and achieve other marketing objectives.

A content writer is a specialized professional who crafts captivating and informative pieces to assist brands in effectively showcasing their products. They produce top-quality written and visual materials, from blog posts to press releases and cover various topics.

Content writers deliver relevant content for blogs, websites, articles, product descriptions, and social media platforms. They create intentionally designed content that appeals to a specific target audience. FITA Academy trains its students to become successful content writers post completion of the Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore

E-Commerce Manager

As an Ecommerce Manager, you have the role and responsibility of looking after a website that focuses on the buying, trading and selling of products and services to the public or for business purposes. Some of the key factors involve the content, the design of the website and overseeing matters such as security, online marketing and team management.

The primary emphasis for an Ecommerce Manager, nonetheless, revolves around conversion. Conversion entails the process of attracting visitors through strategic campaigns, efficient search engine optimization (SEO), and compelling content that effectively converts them into potential customers or sales. Ecommerce sales have become exceedingly dominant in the current market, surpassing traditional brick-and-mortar stores as the preferred avenue for purchasing goods and services. That said, FITA Academy ensures students are trained well enough to become proficient as E-Commerce managers post completion of the Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore.

Email Marketing Manager

Email Marketing Managers are vital in the effective execution of email marketing campaigns. Their responsibilities encompass identifying the specific target audience, devising and implementing email campaigns, guaranteeing error-free and coherent content, and optimizing email templates for mobile compatibility. They are also responsible for overseeing subscriber databases, analyzing campaign metrics, and furnishing valuable insights to enhance the efficiency of campaigns. Furthermore, collaboration with cross-functional teams, such as content and design, is essential to maintain consistent brand messaging and strengthen customer communication via email channels.

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Success Story of Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore



I have completed my digital marketing course at FITA Academy. It was a fantastic opportunity to learn under the supervision of a dedicated staff team with certification. I strongly advise anyone interested in taking a Digital Marketing Course to do so. I am very satisfied to have completed my Digital Marketing Course.



I have completed my digital marketing course at FITA Academy. It was a fantastic opportunity to learn under the supervision of a dedicated staff team with certification. I strongly advise anyone interested in taking a Digital Marketing Course to do so. I am very satisfied to have completed my Digital Marketing Course.


Amit Trivedi

I enrolled in the Digital Marketing Course at FITA Academy. One of the most valuable learning experiences I've ever had. Thank you to the entire team for assisting me in passing my certification and starting a career as a Digital Marketer in a reputable company. I am really happy that I took the wise decision of choosing the FITA Academy training program.

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Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore Reviews

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) about Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore

  • The Digital Marketing Course in Bangalore at FITA Academy is structured by Digital Marketing leaders with over a decade of experience in the field.
  • Our FITA Academy faculty team trains the students using a combination of practical and theoretical courses.
  • Affordable fee structure for all students.
  • Flexible Batch timing for the students and the working professionals as well.
  • By the end of the course, students receive 100% placement training and assistance, including mock interviews and discussion of Digital Marketing Interview Questions and Answers.
  • Globally recognized certification of completion is provided.
  • FITA has placement tie-ups with 1500+ small, medium, and large-scale companies. These companies have openings for students in different roles, like Digital Marketing Executive, SEO analyst, etc. 
  • FITA Academy has a Dedicated Placement Portal for the students. FITA Academy guides the students to appear for interviews through mock interviews and group discussions. 
  • FITA Academy professionally train the students to face interviews.
You can enroll by contacting our support number or directly walk into our office.
FITA Academy was established in 2012 by a group of IT professionals to deliver international-standard IT Training. We have been in the training domain for 10+ years, and 50,000+ students have been trained so far.
  • We provide maximum individual attention to the students. The Digital Marketing batch size is optimized for 5 - 6 members per batch. The batch size has been reduced to clear the doubts of the students in complex topics clearly with tutors.
  • FITA Academy provides the necessary practical training to students with many Industry case studies and real-time projects.
The trainers are Industry leaders with a decade of experience in Digital Marketing Platforms. The Training faculty of FITA Academy are working professionals from the Marketing field who provide hands-on training to the students.

Just being clear with your basic concepts is enough before enrolling in the course,

  • Basic English Knowledge—As the name suggests, this course teaches students about marketing on the Internet. Students are taught to understand the different types of marketing strategies. Students need to have at least basic English language knowledge.
  • Basic Computer Skills—To work online, you must have basic computer skills, including navigating around the desktop, using a mouse, using keyboard shortcuts, and operating software applications.
Yes. A good understanding of digital marketing will give you an edge over others in today's competitive world. Companies look for candidates who have some experience in digital marketing. FITA Academy provides top quality Digital Marketing Course with Placement helping you to get a job.

The various payment modes accepted at FITA Academy are as follows.

  • Cards
  • UPI
  • Bank Transfer

General Q & A about Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore

What are the best courses for digital marketing in Bangalore?

There are so many aspects on which the best Digital Marketing Courses will be depending upon, like the kind of subjects they’re coaching for, the kind of faculty they’ve, the kind of placements they guarantee, and so on. FITA Academy offers Best Digital Marketing training in Bangalore with all those aspects.

How much does digital marketing course cost in Bangalore?

The cost of a digital marketing course varies from institution to institution. Typically, a digital marketing course costs around Rs 30 - 50 K.

Who is eligible for digital marketing course?

There are no prerequisites for learning digital marketing. Anyone with a passion for learning digital marketing can opt for the Digital Marketing Classes in Bangalore.

Can a fresher learn digital marketing?

Yes. It is very possible. Freshers can opt for internships to learn the various aspects of Digital Marketing and gain professional experience.

Can I learn digital marketing in 3 months?

While 3 months is sufficient to get a fundamental idea of Digital marketing concepts, it might take up to 6 months to master those concepts.

How long is the digital marketing course?

Digital marketing courses differ in length from one institution to another. On average a digital marketing course should take 6 months to complete.

Which company is best for digital marketing jobs?

Some of the top companies that recruit digital marketers are as follows

  • Accenture. 
  • Google. 
  • Tata Consultancy Services.
  • Amazon.
  • Cognizant Technology Solutions
  • Zoho.
  • ABC. 

FITA Academy’s Digital Marketing Classes in Bangalore ensures you get placed in the above mentioned companies.

Which digital marketing has highest salary in India?

Some of the highest-paying digital marketing designations are as follows

  • Digital Media Managers. 
  • Pay Per Click Managers. 
  • SEO Specialists. 
  • SEM Specialists. 
  • Content Strategist. 
  • E-Commerce Specialist. 
  • Brand Marketing Expert.

Is digital marketing a future?

The scope of digital marketing in the future is very much alive and bright because now the consumers and markets are much more aware than before.Now the organizations can also leverage the different smart tools in their arsenal to gather huge chunks of data and perform intricate analysis about their target market.FITA Academy’s Digital Marketing Classes in Bangalore will help you to leverage the bright future ahead.

Is digital marketing a difficult job?

Typical of any IT job, digital marketing can be challenging at times. But it can also be rewarding. Besides, the frequency of challenging scenarios in digital marketing can vary from time to time, irrespective of organization and designation.

What is digital marketing technology?

  • Search Engine Optimization.
  • Pay-per-Click.
  • Social Media Marketing.
  • Content Marketing.
  • Email Marketing.
  • Mobile Marketing.
  • Marketing Analytics.
  • Affiliate Marketing.

Is maths compulsory for digital marketing?

Knowledge of Maths is not mandatory for Digital Marketing. However, it can be an advantage.

How much can I earn as a fresher by digital marketing?

Digital Marketing Salary For Freshers in Bangalore is typically around Rs 2.4 LPA. The number increases to Rs 2.7 LPA with a year of experience.

What are the pillars of Digital Marketing?

  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  • Content Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing (SMM)

How can I start digital marketing?

  • Take up a Digital Marketing Course.
  • Choose your Niche.
  • Get Hands-on Experience. 
  • Create Your Online Presence. 
  • Work in a Job or as a Consultant. 
  • Write an Impressive Resume and Cover Letter. 
  • Apply to Jobs and Prepare for Interviews.
  • Networking and Freelancing.
Digital Marketing Courses in Bangalore

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